FRANKENSTEIN – Written by Alyssa Bosch; Directed by Logan Custer.  Produced by Audacious Theatre Company (Presented at Fiction Brewery, 7101 East Colfax, Denver).  Additional performances at a different site.  Tickets available at through October 31. 

For pure unadulterated (well, maybe it is ADULTerated!) fun, you can’t beat Audacious Theatre Company.  They “pop up” in most unexpected places and ways.  Their current offering is a silly, over-the-top updated take on the Frankenstein story originally devised by Mary Shelley in 1818.  This version features a cast of six playing multiple roles to tell the story of a man-made monster. 

With dialogue straight out of a Victorian novel, Ren Manley – the mastermind behind this madness – plays Dr. Frankenstein who thought he was doing a good deed by creating new life from old parts.  Jason Toennis plays the hulking monster whose search for love and companionship leads to disaster.  The remainder of the crew – Sara Stephenson, Joaquin Liebert, Shawna Urbanski, and JoJo Pride – fill out the roles of damsel in distress, townspeople, friends of the fiend maker, and so on. 

More participatory than immersive, prop bags are handed out that include things like miniature flashlights to become lightning accompanying the many thunderclaps, a ballot to vote on the monster’s fate, and a couple more surprises to be used intermittently during the proceedings. The versatile pairing of steampunk costume pieces by Macbeth Richardson and the creation of a plethora of hand props by Rachel Lowman adds to the silly fun.  The actors’ dead-serious commitment to telling this story – no matter what happens in the room – is a wonder to behold. 

Just pure fun, they have one more weekend to delight you at the Fiction Brewery in Parker.  Their infamous take on the CHRISTMAS CAROL story known as DRUNK CHRISTMAS will start again in November playing all over town.  Check it out!! 

A WOW factor of 8.25!! 

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