GREATER TUNA – Written by Jaston Williams, Joe Sears, and Ed Howard; Directed by Brendan T. Cochran. Produced by Bailey Theatre Company and the Lone Rock Foundation (Presented at the Glen Isle Resort, 573 Old Stagecoach Road, Bailey) through July 14. Tickets available at 720-463-1023 or
Did I enjoy watching a recent performance of GREATER TUNA at the Bailey Theatre Company? I did – I did – yes, indeedy, I did. Two accomplished actors from far away Denver came all the way up the hill to little old Bailey, Colorado to recreate their lives in Greater Tuna, Texas. They did – yes, they did.
The two accomplished actors who took on this trek and this performance are Denver actors Rick Long and Hayes Burton. Between them, they brought to life twenty characters (and a dog). They start off with Thurston Wheelis and Aries Struvie, the two radio hosts who provide up-to-date news about the happenings in their town and never-ending weather reports. From there, they progress to family members of Bumiller family (not a happy bunch), Petey Fisk (the local Humane Association worker who loves all God’s living creatures), and various other residents of Greater Tuna, both funny and dark in character. There is even the possibility of a murder happening right here in their town. In two days time, you get a comprehensive picture of life in rural Texas (or nearly any other state for that matter).
Both actors bring their A game and their quick change abilities to this performance, donning different jackets, shirts, caps, dresses, and aprons to become different characters. With this fast-moving storyline, it is a work of art to be able to keep all the characters and their relationships with other characters played by the same actor straight. From the audience’s point of view, they make the task look easy and never allow us to lose track of who is whose mother or brother or puppy.
Bailey Theatre Company is a relatively new group performing in the beautiful green surroundings of the Glen Isle Resort next to a branch of the South Platte River. That alone is worth the 45-minute drive up to Bailey which also boasts of multiple dining options to enhance your journey west to enjoy attending a performance. And it’s COOLER up there – take a sweater!!
A starter theatre, they make good use of their acting space in a cabin designated as the dining hall. Utilizing only four chairs, two tables, and a radio, they are able to move easily between scenes with the speed that adds to the humor. Again, it is not hard for the audience to follow them from the radio station to a family living room and the streets of GT. The whole thing moves so quickly that you don’t even miss props and additional furniture until you’re midway through the first act.
It’s a lot of fun – it is – yes, sir – it’s a good time. Get on up there, you hear!
A WOW factor of 8.25
worse performace3 ever . Ii you want to be insulted go there .
worse performance ever . I you want to be insulted go there .